EUR = 409.77 HUF
HUF (Ft)
EUR (€)
CZK (Kč)
RON (leu)
PLN (zł)


Sie können kostenlos überprüfen, ob Sie eine gültige E-Vignette für das mautpflichtige Straßennetz in Ungarn besitzen. Nachdem Sie die erforderlichen Informationen (Ländercode und Registrierungsnummer) eingegeben haben, senden wir Ihnen das Ergebnis per E-Mail zu.
Important! The validity query applies only to e-vignettes purchased online or via SMS in the partner network of National Mobile Payment Plc. If the number plate you are looking for is not found in our system, please contact the National Toll Pament Services Plc.'s customer service in person or by phone (international number: +36-36-587-500).

Any subsequent changes to the e-vignette initiated and made at National Toll Pament Services Plc. (e.g. rewriting, repurchase, license plate number or category correction) will not appear in the database of National Mobile Payment Plc. National Toll Pament Services Plc. cannot be held liable in cases where the system returns a hit for the number plate and the operator incurs a surcharge due to the subsequent change. Accordingly, the information obtained from a query in our system is not to be taken into account and may not be used in any surcharge procedure.